At Double A, we see paper production differently.

At Double A, we see paper production differently.
Our “Paper from KHAN-NA” program is a unique Thai take on paper production. We plant Paper-Tree on KHAN-NA – vacant areas around and between Thai farmers’ rice fields, making best use of otherwise empty spaces. With Paper from KHAN-NA, none of our paper is produced from natural forests. The program helps maintain and preserve biodiversity and protect natural landscapes and ecosystems.
KHAN-NA is a Thai word for the vacant spaces between rice fields. Farmers use these spaces to move around their field, keeping an eye on crops such as rice, corn and cassava. But the KHAN-NA has no other use, especially after the harvest period.
At Double A, we saw an opportunity to put these unused spaces to good use, encouraging farmers to extract maximum value from their land.
This sustainable model is the result of intensive R&D and is driven by a desire to do our bit for Thai farmers. We’ve harnessed Thailand’s many advantages – its location, its climate, and the skill and experience of its farmers – to select the best trees, which can be harvested after just 3-4 years of growth.
Under our Paper from KHAN-NA programme, we have dedicated considerable resources to transforming solid waste into clean, renewable energy.
Our aim is to generate energy and steam sustainably, to meet growing energy demand in Thailand.
We also use this method to generate our own energy, producing 100% of our steam from renewable materials (wood, bark and recovered wood). At our French plant in Alizay, for example, we generate 35% of our own electricity.
Our main activity is pulp and paper manufacturing. We currently have two pulp mills, both of which use state-of-the-art technologies and equipment such as factory water receivers, and high-efficiency wastewater treatment plants, with primary decantation and biological treatment.
Technology has always been a feature of our short-fibre pulp production and renewable energy management efforts, and we have been ISO-certified many times over.
We also foster innovation, using drones and our exclusive geo-tracking system to determine when our trees are ready for harvesting.
Here at Double A, none of our waste goes to waste. All our pulp and paper production by-products and leftovers are put to good use, generating clean energy. We use tree bark, wood chips, lignin and black liquor to generate biomass energy to power the factory, and we sell surplus energy to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) for local community use.
At Double A, our Paper-Tree are what make us so competitive on the global stage. The trees are specially modelled to suit Thailand’s geography and climate, promoting a high growth rate and producing premium-grade fibre for the paper-making process. Our paper contains 22 million fibres per gram, compared with the 13 million figure achieved by other brands. Likewise, Double A Paper’s smooth texture helps reduce paper jams in printer and copiers – a feature that’s highly appreciated by our customers.
At Double A, we’re committed to using water sparingly and adopting the best paper production technologies. We respect nature, monitoring biomass boiler fumes constantly to limit our impact on air quality.